To those who recently read my blog post on the Huffington Post, I stated that,

Pat Robertson called the Haitian earthquake God’s judgment on the nation he claimed “made a pact with the Devil.”

I soon after received a call from Pat Robertson’s publicist, Chris Roslan, called me and asked I correct in inaccuracy in my article.  He told me that Robertson never actually said that it was God’s judgement, but “a curse.”  After going back to the footage I found of Pat Robertson making his infamous quote, I found that Mr. Roslan was in fact right.  While I consider this mere semantics that do not detract from the greater issues I present, I want to be  accurate in my quotes and information.  I have been invited to write more for the Huffington Post, and I think that I may make my next article a follow-up based on the responses I received from the first post.

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0 Responses to Correction on the Huffington Post Article

  1. Rick Supplee says:

    That is so unbelievable Pat Robertson said that. Jesus did not walk around blaming calamity on sinners. Why does Robertson feel he is superior to Jesus? The church desperately needs voices of mercy that just speak about comforting the Haitians in their loss.

  2. […] researched and found his qualm held merit, and wrote a correction on the World Faith blog. However, I feel that this intellectual crevasse has deepened immensely between religious leaders […]

  3. Alexander Patico says:

    This raises an interesting point. If Robertson believes in a such as thing as a curse that is something OTHER than a judgment of God, then he should explain specifically what powerfully efficacious supernatural entities he is talking about — are we talking voodoo spirits? poltergeists? witches engaged in the dark arts? Inquiring minds want to know who put this curse on the Haitians, in his view.

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