We need great bridge between our faiths, a bridge of peace linking different societies

Today is Eid Al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice when Muslims recall Prophet Abraham’s (peace be upon him) total obedience to God in his willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail. For Muslims, it is a time of celebration, a time to be with the family, a time to briefly lay aside the cares and stresses of ordinary daily life, a time to recall God’s blessings on humanity and the peace He wills for us all.

This peace is something that we wish for all of humanity — and not just for Muslims. It has to be. We live in an increasingly interdependent world where people of different cultures and creeds come together in a way that was unimaginable a century ago. In our millions we live in the same towns and cities, work in the same offices, shop in the same shops, are educated in the same schools and universities; our homes are next door to one another. Never has humanity been so intermixed.


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