Bronxville, Eastchester and Tuckahoe Houses of Worship are planning an event to remember those lost in 9/11, all the injured and all the heroes.The Community 9/11 Commemoration will be held on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 3 PM at The Reformed Church of Bronxville, located at 180 Pondfield Road in the Village of Bronxville.
This civic ceremony, organized by the BIC (Bronxville, Eastchester and Tuckahoe Interfaith Council), will feature stirring music (including bagpipes), a community choir, commemorative readings, greetings from Bronxville, Eastchester and Tuckahoe community leaders and a moving time of silent prayer and the ringing of the commemoration bell.
What better way to commemorate the experience of 9/11 than to open your home to a Muslim High School exchange student! I am working with the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study scholarship program (YES), that was created in the wake of the events of 9/11. The scholars come from underrepresented communities (mostly Muslim) and there are a few more outstanding students awaiting news of a volunteer host family. The remaining YES scholarship recipients are from Mali, Tanzania, the Philippines and Pakistan. Please contact me asap if you can consider hosting one or two of these amazing scholars! and thanks for reading. 🙂