The World Faith community is growing! We are happy to welcome our new chapter, World Faith Malawi. World Faith Malawi is an interfaith youth organization, cooperating with different religious youth groups, organizations, and individuals in the pursuit of a just society. World Faith Malawi was founded by like-minded youth leaders from different faith groups, such as Christian, Muslim, and Baha’i who want to make a major contribution to fight poverty and social imbalances. They provide youth from different religious groups with the skills they need to improve their living conditions and empower their communities. Project focuses are social and economic justice, HIV/AIDS prevention and agriculture.  The interfaith approach aims at creating an environment where religious diversity, love, and mutual respect form a basis for positive change.

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0 Responses to Welcome World Faith Malawi

  1. Obi Nigeria says:

    congratulations Malawi you are highly welcome- all hail you!!

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